Utilities are small programs that help you running games in Windows XP and in other operation systems or which just make gaming more fun. There's a utility for almost every problem with DOSgames, so take a look at this page and your problems might be over.
Arachne is a very cool and unique utility. It is a graphical web browser for DOS. It doesn't works in Windows XP and Windows 2000, but I once had it running on a Windows 98 computer. It works really nice, and the graphics look fine too. I never found another DOS webbrowser yet, so the idea behindit is very original. The installation is simple. Just download the exe file from the website of Arachne Labs and install Arachne. Now you have to open arachne.bat and the program will start. Now you only have to configure the settings and you can start browsing the web on your DOS computer. A wizard will help you configurating the Arachne Webbrowser. Click here to go to the official Arachne website.
CWSDPMI (Charles W Sandmann DOS Protected Mode Interface) is a utility that allows DOS games created in the DJGPP programming language to run (games like Permanent Daylight). Extract all the files in the .zip file to the folder of your game and run the game. The game will automatically find CWSDPMI.EXE and then use it without you having to do anything. Click here to download CWSDPMI.
DOSbox is a DOS-emulator which allows you to play dosgames on a system which doesn't supports DOS. You can run it in all Windows version higher than Win95, but it is very usefull if you have Win2000 or WinXP because it has SoundBlaster support. Click here to go to the official DosBox website. You can also download the program there.
DOSshell is an x86 applications launcher (by using DOSbox) plus convenient Explorer-like entries manager, where you can store links on all your often used programs. Forget about boring commands typing: all you need is to add a record into a base and enjoy the simplicity and speed of running favorite old games/software! Get it here.
Dos Game Collection is a very useful utility. You can use it to start your dosgames with. A description and screenshot will help you to choose a game to start. If you have a lot of dosgames, you should try this utility. Dos Game Collection can be downloaded here. Be sure you pick the exe file for the right operating system.
There are a lot of DOSgames, especially the old ones, which run to fast. Most of them so fast, that you can't play it anymore! If you got that problem, you should try Moslo. It slow down your computer so you can play the games well!
All the games at DOSgamesOnline.com are zipped. It means that you have to unzip it when you downloaded a game. If you want to unzip a file in DOS, you should try PKunzip. Click here to download (29 Kb).
VDM Sound is a usefull utility to let old games run fine with sound on new systems. The only thing you have to do is downloading the .msi file from the VDM Sound website and then run the install program. You don't have to install it in the directory where the game is. When the VDM Sound installation has finished, go to the game directory. Now click with your right mouse button on the exe file of the game and choose in the menu "Run with VDM Sound". Now you can play your game with sound. Click here to go to the official VDM Sound website.
Xkey is a very useful program for those who are living in a country where the us (QWERTY) layout is not the default keybord layout, and are experiencing problems with key controled games, like almost all DOS games. Xkey is a nice program wich can be used in a DOS enviroment like DOSbox. The program supports a great number of different layouts like the french AZERTY and the increasingly popular alternative layout Dvorak. Download this program now!
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Cisco Heat
" Cisco Heat is a street racing game. While you are driving in your car the police will try to catch you. Trams, police cars, holes in the road and o...."
Genre: Racing
Size: 141 Kb
Download Cisco Heat
Having troubles running games for the DOS platform?
Dosgamesonline.com recommends DosBox, a great program that generates a fully equipped DOS enviroment in Linux, Windows XP and Mac OS. Read more...
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Jazz Jackrabbit Xmas Edition
" hey i am 21 years old and i love this game! i played it when i was 8 and now i want to download it a..."
" I found it really enjoyable, it was still fun everytime I played it. It's such a classic game...."
Super Solvers - Treasure Mountain
" This was my favorite game as a kid! The educational quality is so subtle that you don't even realize..."