Frequently Asked Questions |
Q: I can't download a game!
A: Try this: put the cursor on the downloadlink, rightclick on your mouse, choose the option "Save as..." or "Save target as...". If it still doesn't works you can always mail me.
Q: I downloaded a game, but how do I play it?
A: Use WinZip to extract all the files in the .zip-file to a folder on you harddisk
Q: When I try to run a game, it gives me an error!
A: 1) If you are trying to run the game in Windows, close all programs and try again.
2) Reboot your computer in pure DOS and try to run it. If you used DOS on your computer before installing Windows you should try pressing F8 while your computer is starting.
3) If the game has a setup program, start it and select No Sound.
Q: The sound of this game is very bad!
A: Try DOSbox or VDMsound
Q: The game I downloaded runs too fast!
A: Use MoSlo. It is the easiest way to slow down fast games. Unzip the program to the same folder as the game you want to slow down. Now type "MOSLO /xx% GAME.EXE", where xx is a percentage (for example: if you type /50 the game runs at 50% of the normal speed) and GAME.EXE is the program you normally run to start the game.
Q: How do I get this game to work in WinXP / Win2000 ?
A: Try DOSbox or Virtual PC
Q: Can you search this game for me?
A: Yes, of course. But it is much more effective to post your question at the DOSgames Discussion Board, because you're asking your question to much more people then!
Q: I'm using a different keyboard layout than QWERTY, is there a workaround?
A: Yes, there is. There is a terrific program called Xkey, wich is off course available for download at our utilities section.
Random game

" If you ever played Lemmings before, then Hamsters may look familiar. Pretty much the same concept as Lemmings, guide the hamsters to safety by making ...."
Genre: Arcade
Size: 143 Kb
Download Hamsters
Having troubles running games for the DOS platform? recommends DosBox, a great program that generates a fully equipped DOS enviroment in Linux, Windows XP and Mac OS. Read more...
Last comments
Jazz Jackrabbit Xmas Edition
" hey i am 21 years old and i love this game! i played it when i was 8 and now i want to download it a..."
" I found it really enjoyable, it was still fun everytime I played it. It's such a classic game...."
Super Solvers - Treasure Mountain
" This was my favorite game as a kid! The educational quality is so subtle that you don't even realize..."