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F-22 Lightning II

F-22 Lightning II
Language: English Genre: Simulation
Year: 1996 Publisher: NovaLogic
Reviewer: Dos-Games-Online
This flight simulator has probably the best graphics I've ever seen in a DOS game. Fly an American fighter jet and do missions. Lots of realistic stuff should make you feel like a US Air Force pilot.

As realistic as it is, it requires extreme attention to detail, that may be a bit dreary.

Only download this game if you want to experience life as an air force pilot.

Reviewer: Dos-Games-Online
Being somewhat of a flight sim fan back in the day when the controls were easy to operate, I gave f-22 lighting 2 a go in the faint hope that the controls were easy to master and use, well, they were easy to use only when you mastered the whole keyboard in the process. The controls were just impossible, because to launch the plane, you had to use half the keyboard. However, once you were in the air, it was relatively easy, but in order to shoot down planes and missile sites you needed to master the other half of the keyboard.
So basically you were screwed, yeah, when you buy the game, you get a fold out keyboard that has all the keys color coded, but what is that going to do. The gameplay was pretty awesome once the controls have been dealt with and mastered, the gameplay was smooth and was better then most other flight sims out at the same time by a country mile. However, I do feel I need to get something of my chest and that is, sometimes during the campaign missions, you will get instances were you get shot down pretty easily by other planes or missile sites, while other times you can just simply fly by a whole squadron of planes and a shit load of missile sites and have not one dent on your plane. Kind of ridiculous when you look at it, but then again all games even by today’s standards have the same issues.
The graphics were just out of this world, in terms of graphics Novalogic was on a real winner with this game, because they were just awesome. The detail of the terrains and other things on the ground were amazing, you can tell that Novalogic took a lot of care with the graphics to make them spot on. The sound and audio were some of the best I’ve heard in a game for it's time, I honestly don't think a game has surpased it for sound quality, graphics yes, but not sound and audio. If you have a creative soundblaster and decent speakers, prepare to be dazzled. However, the realism is were it bites the game on its ass, because if I wanted to play an unrealistic game, I’ll go and install microproses F117 Stealth Fighter, I never expected it from this game. Over all Novalogic done an awesome job on this game. You must play it.

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