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Laser Lock
" From the manual included in the game's ZIP file:
"Laser Lock is a unique blend of the strategy, puzzle, and artificial life
genres. And it...."
Genre: Strategy
Size: 301 Kb
Download Laser Lock
Having troubles running games for the DOS platform? recommends DosBox, a great program that generates a fully equipped DOS enviroment in Linux, Windows XP and Mac OS. Read more...
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Jazz Jackrabbit Xmas Edition
" hey i am 21 years old and i love this game! i played it when i was 8 and now i want to download it a..."
" I found it really enjoyable, it was still fun everytime I played it. It's such a classic game...."
Super Solvers - Treasure Mountain
" This was my favorite game as a kid! The educational quality is so subtle that you don't even realize..."